The Lord has instructed us to:
"Seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom;
yea seek out of the best books words of wisdom;
seek learning even by study and also by faith."
D&C 88:118
IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE. The purpose of life.
THE GOAL OF LIFE. Understanding what life is all about.
WE ARE NOT ALONE. Considering how God watches over us.
THE POINT OF LOVE. Learning what it means to truly love.
OUR BROTHER'S KEEPER. Our responsibility in the plan of salvation.
A CHOSEN GENERATION. A more detailed view of the plan of salvation.
GOD - OUR TRAINER. The difference between predestination and foreordination.
THE GIFT OF FREE AGENCY. A closer look at what free agency means.
THE BLESSINGS OF THE RIGHTEOUS. Defining the real blessings in life.
THE STING OF DEATH. Understanding the meaning of death.
THE GRACE OF GOD. The relationship between worthiness and grace.
THE PLAN What kind of plan does God have for us?
THE TEST Preparing ourselves to pass life's test.
THE BIG LIE A closer look at the plan of Satan.
THE CURSE OF GOD Understanding the purpose of baptism for the dead
THE LOVE OF GOD Defining the meaning of repentance.
THE POWER OF LOVE Learning what charity is all about.
LIKE GOD Understanding why salvation is dependant on our works.
THE DOCTRINE OF FAITH An examination of Moroni's teaching on faith.
I STAND ALL AMAZED A closer look at the man we call Jesus.
NO OTHER WAY The role of Jesus in our life.
THE LIGHT OF CHRIST. What exactly is the light of Christ?
THE STILL SMALL VOICE. The role of the Holy ghost.
THE SIMPLE TRUTH. The need for gaining knowledge.
TEACH US TO PRAY. What Jesus taught us from prayer.
THE HUMILITY OF CHRIST. Finding out what it really means to be humble.
THE LAW OF GOD. Understanding God's law of liberty
OH COME LET US ADORE HIM. A closer look at who it is we worship.
THE FATHER. Understanding the role of God, the Father.
SANCTIFIED BY THE SPIRIT. What it means to become sanctified.
WHEN WILL CHRIST COME AGAIN? Understanding what our part is in bringing about the millennium.
IN THE FIRST PLACE The purpose of covenants
HIS PROMISE Understanding the nature of covenants
BY SMALL AND SIMPLE THINGS.. Understanding the temple ceremonies.
FROM MILK TO MEAT. Tithing and the covenant of consecration.
THE LAW OF REPENTANCE. Understanding the atonement of Jesus Christ.
THE LAW OF SACRIFICE. Why the law of sacrifice is important to our salvation.
A SURE FOUNDATION. The importance of sustaining our church leaders.
THY KINGDOM COME. Understanding the significance of baptism.
WHOM SHALL I SEND? The meaning of the sacrament.
OUR MOTTO The importance of living the Word of Wisdom
THE SYMBOLS OF GOD Learning how to understand the things taught in the temple
OUR PERSONAL SAVIOR What does it mean to accept Jesus as our personal Savior?
THOSE WHOM GOD SENDS Understanding when a prophet speaks for God.
O YE OF LITTLE FAITH Our responsibility in defending the faith.
THE ORDER OF GOD Why only the president of the Church speaks for God.
THE WAR IN HEAVEN Understanding what the war in heaven was all about.
MAN - THE CREATOR. Finding out how man can become his own creator.
THE CHILDREN OF GOD. How to keep from becoming discouraged by failure.
>THE PRIESTHOODS OF SATAN. Where does Satan's power come from?
THOU HYPOCRITE. Defining what a hypocrite is.
SOMETHING NEW, SOMETHING OLD. Examining the issue of homosexuality.
THE JUSTICE OF GOD. Understanding the meaning of the word restore.
OUR JOURNEY THROUGH LIFE. Determining what's most important in life.
FOR OUR GLORY Understanding why we worship God.
NOURISHING THE SPIRIT What does it mean to partake of spiritual food?
THE FORMULA FOR SUCCESS How to develop more spirituality.
THE STORY OF SHEREM What we can learn from Jacob's experience with Sherem.
LOVE AT HOME Some helpful suggestions on creating a strong, healthy marriage.
STANDING WITH GOD Learning what the Book of Mormon teaches about church discipline.
A MAN OF WRATH A closer look at the person we call Satan.
THE WAY TO FREEDOM Examining the subject of our freedom to choose.
FOLLOWING THE SPIRIT OF GOD Learning how to keep from finding fault with others.
THERE SHALL BE NO DISPUTATIONS Things we can learn from the Savior's visit to the Nephites.
THE LAW OF CHASTITY Why it is necessary to keep the law of chastity.
FEED THE CHURCH OF GOD Learning how to give better quality talks.
CONVERTED TO THE LORD GOD Understanding the process of conversion.
THE POWER OF THE PRIESTHOOD. Defining the priesthood's power.
THE AUTHORITY OF THE PRIESTHOOD. The source of priesthood authority.
THE SEALING POWER OF ELIJAH. The eternal significance of being sealed.
THE PATTERN USED IN HEAVEN Learning the proper use of priesthood authority.
THE PRIESTHOOD OF GOD. Gaining a greater appreciation for what it means to hold the priesthood..
OUR DUTY. Another look at the duty and responsibility of the priesthood.
THE POWER OF GODLINESS. Understanding the doctrine of eternal marriage.
THE FIRST STEP. The importance of holding the Aaronic priesthood.
A WISE AND FAITHFUL SERVANT. The reward of the righteous
EYE HATH NOT SEEN. A look at what is involved with the resurrection.
THE DAYS OF OUR LIVES. A look at our second estate.
THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD.A closer look at the kingdom of God.
THE ROAD TO GODHOOD. Considering what it takes to become exalted.
THE KINGDOMS OF GOD. The meanings of salvation.
THE LAW OF OPPOSITES Understanding the message Lehi shared with his family.
A HELP MEET FOR MAN The eternal role of husbands and wives.
THE GLORY OF GOD The message of D&C 93.
LABORING FOR THE LORD The importance of serving in the Church.
SOMETHING TO PONDER.An interesting question to think about.
SEEK YE THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Learning how to study the scriptures.
THE STORY OF MORMON A closer look at the life of Mormon.
UNDERSTANDING ISAIAH Some helpful suggestions for understanding Isaiah.
THOUGHTS TO LIVE BY. Inspiring thoughts.
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