“Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear” 1 Peter 3:15
The Nature of Mormonism – Articles defining what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe. Some recent articles are:
- The Ancient Church Fathers – Examining what the earliest Christians were taught to believe.
- Ammon and Lamoni – Understanding how the story of Ammon and King Lamoni is evidence that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God.
- Modern-day Apostles – The Role of apostles in the church.
- Was Joseph Smith Really a Prophet of God – Comparing the life of Joseph Smith to the biblical prophets of God.
- Jesus Christ is the Head of His Church – Understanding what it means when a Mormon says that Jesus is the head of their church.
- The House of the Lord – Why Mormons build temples.
- The Story of Abinadi – How the story of Abinadi is evidence that the Book of Mormon is true.
- Becoming Like God – Can man really become like God?
- Not True – Do Mormons believe they can replace God
- To Know the Truth – Is it true what they say about the Mormons?
- The Voice of the Lord – Examining who the prophets are and their role in the church.
- Adding Insult to Injury – Why the Church excommunicates people who disagree with its teachings.
- Upon Closer Examination – Is the Book of Mormon true history or imaginary fiction?
The Nature of Scripture – Articles discussing what Mormons believe about the Bible. Some recent articles are:
- The Word of God – Gaining a clearer understanding of how the Book of Mormon was translated.
- The End of Heresy – The history of man’s dependence on the Bible.
- Apostles and Prophets – What the New Testament says about the role of prophets and apostles in the church.
- God’s Word – The problems with understanding the Bible.
- God Established His Church – Defining the purpose of the church.
- Faith to Believe – Why does it take faith to believe in the Book of Mormon?
- The Brother of Jared – What we can learn from the scriptures (nature of scriptures)
The Nature of God – Articles explaining what the Bible teaches about the nature and character of God. Some recent articles are:
- Love Thy Neighbor – A closer look at our purpose here on earth and what our responsibility is to God.
- Blaming God – Understanding why God allows evil to exist.
- The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost -Examining what the Bible says about the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
- The One True God – What the scriptures say about who God is.
The Nature of Man – Articles discussing the philosophies of men.
The Nature of Freedom – Articles explaining the principles of liberty and freedom.
The Nature of Salvation – Articles examining the biblical doctrines of salvation.
- Going to Heaven – What it takes for us to live in heaven with God.
- It is Impossible to be Saved – Understanding what it takes to be saved.
- Degrees of Salvation – The different degrees of heaven and who goes there.
- Falling From Salvation -Discovering what the Bible says about gaining and losing one’s salvation.
Parting Thoughts – Additional thoughts on Mormonism. Some recent articles are:
- Questions About Evolution – Further questions about the theory of evolution.
- The Evolution of Food – The problems that plants and animal adaptation pose to the theory of evolution.
- How Animals Adapt – What it takes for animals to adapt to their environment.
- Questions About Evolution – Five questions that evolutionists can’t answer.
- Evolution is Unscientific – Five things that evolutionists can’t explain.
- Humans Came From Apes – Examining the lack of evidence for the theory that man evolved from apes.