The following are three missionary fireside talks I've given over the years. As such, they are primarily directed towards those who are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have found that too often non-members don't come to such firesides because they think it's a meeting intended for us to convert them through preaching. Therefore, I have tried to avoid the tendency to sermonize or be confrontational about other beliefs. Instead, I have deliberately presented this material in a way that both members and non-members have found to be interesting and informative, while still providing a strong testimony to the truthfullness of the restored gospel.

Unfortunately, because these are meant to be "talks" rather than lecture notes, they don't adequately lend themselves to being put on the internet as I've done with my other discourses. Since they were orignially intended as a way for Mormons to introduce the gospel to their friends in a non-threatening manner, they are designed to be listened to rather than having someone read a fifteen page document, complete with footnotes.

Therefore, in keeping with the intent of this site to share what I have learned with as many people as possible, I am willing to provide this material at no cost to those interested in having them. Each subject comes with an audio CD plus a transcript. Upon request, I will Email the transcript, and ship the desired CD through the fourth-class Postal system at my own expense.

The three missionary fireside talks are:

THE MESSAGE OF THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS - A look at what is contained in the Dead Sea Scrolls and what meaning they have for us today.

ARCHEOLOGY AND THE NEW TESTAMENT - A history of the early Christian church as seen through the written words of the founding fathers during the first 400 years after Christ.

THE EXPERIENCE WE CALL DEATH - An indepth look at the Near Death Expeience and the lessons it provides for the living.

If you are intersted in having any of these, just e-mail me

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